Foodservice for Thought

Foodservice for Thought: Saulo Cooper and the culinary revolution at Jail to Jobs (part 1 of 2)

Karey Clements & Justin Olivares Season 3 Episode 8

In part one of this AMAZING two part interview with Saulo Cooper of Jails to Jobs, Saulo talks very personally about his life up to this point and shares some of the real struggles that he and his loved ones have faced and how they lead to his success at Jails to Jobs. 

"I am from Houston, Texas. My childhood was full of trauma (physical, emotional and sexual abuse). I was homeless at the age of 15. I joined a gang and went to jail at the age of 16 for auto theft. I sold and used drugs most of my young adult life. 

 My first trip to prison was when I was 20. Possession with the intent to sell. I was shot. I went to prison again, when I was 27. This time for aggravated assault and aggravated robbery. In 2009 I was released from prison. 

 While I was in prison I was saved, and was able to turn around my life. It was a long difficult journey and still today no matter how much ground I have gained, I am often judged because of my past.

 I lied about my kitchen experience to get a line cook position. And from there I moved to lead line cook, to sous chef, to executive chef. I became a volunteer Chaplain for Travis County, a Pastor for a church called Just as I Am. Now I am the Culinary Director at Jail to Jobs in Austin, Texas. 

 Today, I have 3 wonderful children and an amazing wife. I've even won some awards for cooking and I believe in celebrating moments with I cook.

 My passion is to give young adults who experienced similar trauma as I have the tools they need to make better choices, and I do it one plate at a time. 

 Basically I had a tough life which I compounded by not making the right choices. Actually, I did not know how to make the right choices. And God was able to help me turn that around. " - Saulo Cooper

Learn more about Jail to Jobs.  

Forbes Hever & Wallace, Inc. produces the Foodservice for Thought podcast.

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